A Walk in the Woods – La Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia

Have you ever walked in the woods and experienced that rush of adrenaline running through your veins with every crackling sound in your footsteps? Have you ever seen that glistening beam of light that peeks through some of the tallest trees and reflects itself on some of the greenest of leaves? Have you every looked at that path and wondered where on earth it may lead you?

Well……….. it led you to this journey. A walk in the woods. This fine woods called La Sagrada Familia

It’s amazing that Aldo Rossi was right in every regard when me mentioned that; when monuments are engraved in the hearts and minds of city dwellers, they become works of art of the city.

My journey through the woods began with a little clue revealing the dawn of a new adventure. What my eyes saw, was a collage of the memory that Antoni Gaudi had just began to sculpt in the minds of the Spaniards.

DSC_0093.jpgPhoto taken at the Barcelona L5 Metro Station- Sagrada Familia

On climbing on street the excitement buzz of the busy bees was mesmerizing. With an attempt to unravel the immeasurable symbolism on this Nativity Facade.

imag4055-1Nativity Facade- Sagrada Familia

Really, all you can do is just stand in awe at the maddening detail that was sculpted into place, leaf by leaf.


And like a mystery that keeps being unraveled with every footstep, stood these glorious interiors that have stood the test of time.

These tall trees, whose barks and leaves reflect the colourful beams of the sun into this sanctuary makes you want to get on your knees and say a prayer.


Everywhere you’d look was another moment to look up. To allow the eyes of your skin to be filled with such awesomeness at how these tall trees support the white stained sky.


I wonder who lives up there?


Such an awesome God He is for putting this in the mind of a meagre man. From the genesis as a series of explorations in the heart and mind of Gaudi.


Until it manifested in the works of his hands and produced such a masterpiece. “It’s okay,” i bet he said,” I don’t have to know now, how the back facade will turn out but i  bet it will be as marvellous as this one we’ve just sketched.”


Emphasis is given to the entryway with a touch of green. Where nature is seen to stand in awe at the birth of Jesus.

Who knew this exciting mix of the Art Nouveau and Gothic movement would match the flying branches of the trees. (see what i did there. It’s an architectural pun)


A few years down the line, the woods grew so strong and mighty and birthed this beautiful Passion Facade. Like a road map guiding the walk in the woods so did the rest of Gaudi’s drawings guide the rest of the construction that continues to date.

“There is no reason to regret that I cannot finish the church. I will grow old but others will come after me. What must always be conserved is the spirit of the work, but its life has to depend on the generations it is handed down to and with whom it lives and is incarnated” -Antoni Gaudi


When I grow up I want to pay attention to detail like Gaudi did. To develop the ability to design magnificent spaces that takes people on a journey by carrying along the design concept to absolute resolution.


And most of all to acknowledge like Gaudi did when he said, “Tomorrow we’ll design beautiful things.”

Love Naomi.

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