I admire people like Bikozulu who powerfully use their pen and paper to speak their minds and create their own narrative. That God given ability to draw an audience and hold their line of thought to the last fullstop. To make them laugh and smile and chuckle after every paragraph.
I’m excited to write, because when I create time to write, it means I’ll get time to play the piano right after. A well deserved break from presentation deadlines and exams and the hullabaloo that comes with the end of an Academic year. It’s a wrap 5th Year.
I can’t believe I’m almost done with ArchSchool. One more year to go.
It’s amazing how time flies…
Right about the same time last year, I got the opportunity to visit the Citi de l’Architecture another French masterpiece that is simply a conservationist’s heaven. This is where my deep regard for conservation began.
So, today, I’d like to share with you the genesis of the swanky tecture narrative ; “the back of the kitchen where the passion lives”.
the reception lobby
Choice of feature wall : world clocks
the gallery
Romanesque Doorways
1:1 models of some of the oldest doorway ornaments in Paris
the tympanum
Intricate details of the tympanum and its parts
the redefined Caryatid
The caryatid column with various capital details
Landmark models
Notre Dame Cathedral
Wire frame model of the Cathedral archetype
Arc de Triomphe
the upper floor
Swerving ceilings that dive into the main exhibition piece: The Apartment Module of Unité d’habitation by Le Cobusier
the street character evolution
The first typology where the dwelling was characterized by a curved roof
then with industrialization and introduction of the machine , modernity stepped in with the flat roof
An Abstract of future structural elements in buildings. Completely non-orthogonal. Quite exciting in my opinion.
Do you believe this is the future of architecture? The deconstructivist’s fantasy to defy the modern archetype? Let me know what you think
P.S I would also love to appreciate all my new followers on Facebook and Instagram. You guys are the bom! Thank you for believing in my narrative!!!
Don’t forget to like, share and comment.
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