Art Students trip in Vatican

Irrespective of the faith practised, the corridors of the Vatican City unveils a scene 500 years ago where the greatest of artists had intensive battles.  These art students from Nairobi discovered the story of this city during a study trip to Rome and Vatican Art Districts.

Enter Leonardo Da Vinci, born Leonardo of Vinci village represents the value of curiosity to the evolution of Man. This scientist and polymath was most interested in man’s relation to his environment. While most of his work is in Florence, his only featured piece, a ghostly unfinished rendering of St. Jerome in the Wilderness elicited conversations about his artistic halo effect to the local artists.

Michelangelo, Da Vinci’s arch-rival in the art scenes, was mostly interested in the perfect beauty of the human body as his most famous work Statue of David has become one of the most recognizable statues in the entire world of art.

Raphael was a prolific artist whose mastery of the canvas was on combining diverse perspectives in his work and is prominently featured in a section called Raphael Rooms housing his masterpieces.

Caravaggio, once influenced by Master Leonardo Da Vinci, enjoyed contrasting dark and light as seen in his work.  He created one of his most admired altarpieces, The Entombment of Christ.

No other corridor replenishes the artistic soul like the Vatican ones and reveals the evolution of the most important era of human enlightenment; Renaissance.

Art reveals to us our innermost energy.


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